Arabic Holidays – Non Islamic And Islamic Holidays In Middle East

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With Eid al Adha approaching in just a few weeks, we thought this would be a great time to learn Arabic vocabulary for holidays. In addition, we’re going to give you a few greetings that you can learn to wish your friends who are celebrating happy holidays in Arabic.

In most Arabic speaking countries, there are two major holidays: Eid al Fitr (عيد الفطر) and Eid Al Adha (عيد الأضحى).

Eid al Fitr (عيد الفطر)

Firstly, Eid al Fitr (عيد الفطر) is the holiday in Middle East celebrating the breaking of the fast of Ramadan. It usually starts with Muslims going to the (مسجد) masjid (mosque) and praying special Eid prayers. This is generally followed by shopping, visiting family and friends wearing new clothes and sweet perfumes, eating traditional sweet dishes, feasting, and gift-giving.

Eid Al Adha (عيد الأضحى)

Secondly, Eid Al Adha (عيد الأضحى) the “Festival of the Sacrifice”, is the second of the two Islamic holidays celebrated each year worldwide. It is also considered the holier of the two Eid holidays. It is a solemn tribute to the willingness of Ibrahim to sacrifice his son in obedience to God’s command. The holidays usually include Eid prayers, animal sacrifice (usually sheep, but sometimes camels), giving of (insert Arabic here) Zakat (charity), social gatherings, festive meals, and gift-giving.
Of course, most Arabic speaking countries have different religious and secular Eid holidays and may include:

Arabic Transliteration English
المولد النبوي almawlid innabawee Prophet Muhammad’s birthday
السنة الهجرية alsana ilhijriyah Islamic New Year
الكريسماس alkrismas Christmas
عيد العمال ‘eed il’umaal Labour Day
يوم راس السنة yawm ras ilsanah New Year’s Day
عيد الأم ‘eed il’um Mother’s Day
عيد ميلاد ‘eed meelad Birthday
عيد الإستقلال ‘eed ilistiklaal Independence Day
شم النسيم sham ilnaseem Easter
عيد الأب ‘eed il’ab Father’s Day
الهالوين alhaluween Halloween
عيد الطفل ‘eed ittifl Children’s Day
عيد الحب ‘eed ilhub Valentine’s Day

So now that you know some of the holidays, here are some common greetings to wish your friends happy holidays in Arabic during the Eid holidays:

!عيد مبارك لكم ولعائلاتكم / eid mubaarak lakum wa-li-‘a’ilatikum! / Blessed Eid to you and your family!
!كل عام وانتم بخير. عيد مبارك / kul ‘am wa-antum bi-khayr. eed mubarak! / May you celebrate this every year. Blessed Eid!
أتمنى لكم عيد سعيد جداً! لتكن كل أعمالكم الخيرة مقبولة عند الله / ‘atamanna lakum eed sa‘id jiddan! litakun kul a‘malakum al-khayyira maqbula ‘ind allah / I wish you a very happy Eid, and may all your good deeds be accepted by God.

Whether it’s a holiday or any other day, wishes you the best in your Arabic language learning journey.
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