How You Can Get Better at Reading Arabic

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Arabic is a beautiful language with a long history and is used by millions of people around the world. Indeed, it is a challenging language to learn, but once you learn it, you’ll find it is one of the most rewarding experiences of your life.

Like all languages, there are four basic skills in Arabic that you’ll need to master to become fluent in the language: reading, writing, listening, and speaking.  All are vital parts of the process of learning Arabic.  

Today we’re going to talk about Arabic reading skills and how you can get better than you probably already are at them. So, if you’d like to become more proficient in reading Arabic, here are several tips that can help you improve. With a little devotion, a lot of practice, and following the strategies below, you can improve your Arabic reading skills and become more efficient at opening up a whole new world of possibilities for yourself.

Learning to Read is as Easy as ABC

It has been said that Arabic is one of the most challenging languages to read and write because of its unique alphabet system and complex grammar rules (more on those in a minute). Indeed, Arabic has a unique script, and its letters are written from right to left, and though it may be a bit challenging, it’s not impossible. In fact, using the right techniques, you can learn to read Arabic fast and fluently. 

If you want to increase your reading skills, you’ll need to first master the 28-letter Arabic alphabet. What’s more, Arabic letters have different forms depending on their position in the word, whether they are at the beginning, middle or end of the word, so start by learning the shape and sound of each letter. Once you’ve got those down pat, then start practicing with simple words and phrases.

Words and Grammar

Once you’ve mastered the Arabic alphabet and a few simple words, start building your vocabulary. Doing this not only helps you read better but also increases your confidence and overall fluency in Arabic. What’s more, make a note of any new vocabulary while you’re reading and try to use it in your daily conversations. 

With all of those big vocabulary words you’re learning, you’re now ready to put them together and start making sentences. However, you can’t really put sentences together, or even learn to master reading Arabic, without learning the Arabic grammar that goes along with it.

Arabic has an intricate grammar system that includes root words, morphology, and sentence structure. Of course, to learn all of this complex Arabic grammar, you can take a course, use a grammar book, or download a certain Arabic language learning app making it much easier than trying to learn it on your own. Once you’ve gotten most of the grammar rules under your belt, practice reading and writing longer sentences and paragraphs. This will help you improve your reading comprehension and fluency in the language. And speaking of practice…

Practice Makes Perfect

You’ve heard this old adage your whole life from teachers, coaches, and even your parents; however, there is a reason why this saying has been around so long and is repeated so much – because it’s true! 

The number one thing that you can do to improve your reading skills is to practice regularly. Start out by reading simple words and sentences and steadily progress your way up to more complex texts. What’s more, it’s crucial that you also read aloud. That’s because this will help with pronunciation and reading comprehension. Don’t worry about speed. Take your time and read slowly to fully understand the words and their meanings.

So, how much should you practice? It’s suggested that Arabic learners practice reading Arabic letters and words for 30 minutes every day to significantly improve their reading skills. 

It doesn’t have to be 1,001 Arabian Nights at first. To help you read faster and more accurately, start by reading simple Arabic passages, books, or even an Arabic newspaper. Whatever you read, read it aloud and listen to how the words sound.

Get By With a Little Help From Your Friends (Teachers, Colleagues, Etc.)

Even if you’re teaching yourself the Arabic language, it’s important to understand that sometimes you can’t make it on your own. Don’t be afraid to reach out to Arabic language teachers or native speakers to help you along the way. Indeed, speaking to an Arabic teacher or professional will give you the additional support you need to improve your Arabic reading skills. You can also learn reading comprehension strategies and techniques by attending Arabic reading workshops or classes.

What’s more, immersing yourself in Arabic by speaking with native speakers and listening to Arabic music and movies will help you develop your pronunciation and accent, and also expand your vocabulary. 

In the end, the trick to learning Arabic fast and fluently is to remain consistent and keep yourself motivated. Keep practicing and challenging yourself with new content and exercises, and you soon feel like you’ve been reading Arabic your whole life.


Of course, one of the easiest ways to improve your reading is by practicing Arabic with the Kaleela Arabic language learning app. Kaleela guides you through the Arabic alphabet, teaching you the basics of Arabic grammar and providing you with essential vocabulary along the way – all key to helping you improve your Arabic reading skills. Find out how you can start improving your Arabic reading, listening, speaking, and writing skills by learning Arabic the right way with Kaleela. Get it now from  

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