Learning the Types of Birds in Arabic is Really Worth the Whistle

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While traveling through the countries of the Middle East, you’ll notice that Arabs really have a love for birds.  Outside many shops, for example, you’ll often find a birdcage with a canary singing in it. (By the way, the name of the small bird in Arabic is nearly the same as it is in English – کناری or kanary.)

What’s more, you also might find that some people keep parrots that speak better Arabic than you! Don’t be jealous, however, because after reading this blog post about bird’s names in Arabic,  you just might be able to carry on a conversation with a ببغاء / babagha’ (or “parrot” in English) all by yourself.

The Names of Birds in Arabic

Ever wonder what the name of a robin is in Arabic? Maybe you need to know how to say eagle in Arabic. Whatever the case, we’ve got you covered with our list of Arabic bird words:

English Transliteration Arabic
chick katkoot كتكوت
crow ghorab غراب
dove hamama حمامة
duck battah بطة
eagle nesr نسر
falcon sakr صقر
finch hassun حسون
goose wazzah وزة
hawk saqr صقر
hen dajajah دجاجة
hoopoe hodhod هدهد
nightingale 3andleeb عندليب
ostrich na3amah نعامه
owl bumah بومه
partridge hajal حجل
peacock tawous طاووس
penguin batreeq بطريق
pheasant altadaruj التدرج
quail alssaman السمان
robin abu alhan أبو الحن
sparrow 3osfur عصفور
swallow alsonunu السنونو
swan baja3ah بجعه
turkey al-dik alrumi الدیک الرومی

Birds of a Feather

If your 2022 New Year’s resolution is to learn Arabic, they say: “Birds of a feather flock together”. (Or, in Arabic  “الطيور على اشكالها تقع“ / “al-to’uro 3ala aškaaliha taqa3u”). That means Kaleela, the premier Arab learning app, is here to help you keep your promise this year. We’ll be by your side from New Year’s Day to New Year’s Eve showing you how easy it is to learn Arabic every day of the year in 2022. Download the Kaleela Arabic learning app now and start learning Arabic today the right way.

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