Arabic Interpreting: Major Differences Between English and Arabic

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r stereotypes. Arabic, similar to other languages, incorporates gendered grammar and vocabulary, often mirroring cultural norms and expectations. Gendered grammar enhances clarity in communication by indicating the gender of nouns and pronouns, which aids in understanding relationships and context. It enables individuals to express themselves more comprehensively, accommodating distinctions between masculine and feminine forms, particularly in literature and formal writing. Gendered grammar mirrors cultural traditions, contributing to the enrichment of Arabic culture and identity. These benefits demonstrate why gendered grammar matters in Arabic, aiding people in communicating and expressing themselves more effectively.


Let’s see an example:


For instance, in the English language, the subject is typically indicated by the pronoun in the sentence:

“The doctor lost his/her jacket.”

When excluding the pronoun, the sentence becomes unclear. In contrast, the Arabic language distinguishes the subject’s gender through masculine and feminine markers.



Male doctor 



Female doctor 

This is also applied to nationalities, colors, animals, demonstrative pronouns, and possessive pronouns: 




Syrian (masculine)




Syrian (feminine)




Red (masculine)




Red (feminine)


Interpreting Arabic requires strong language skills, careful listening, and cultural awareness to accurately convey the interpreter’s message while staying impartial and respectful. Interpreters focus on accuracy and reflecting the speaker’s tone and emotion, adapting to situations as needed. They also prioritize confidentiality and professionalism, always looking to improve. By understanding language and cultural differences, interpreters help people communicate effectively and understand each other better. For more info about the Arabic language, don’t hesitate and visit our website, or download the Kaleela app, available on both iOS App Store and Google Play.

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