How do you feel right now? What do you say when you’re happy or surprised, worried or embarrassed? Sometimes we have beautiful things to say and at other times, nastier things to utter. Sometimes we might be on the giving end of these things and occasionally on the receiving side of them.
Our ability to interact with each other and manage our relationships with our peers depends considerably on our ability to decipher emotions and feelings. Moods are part of our life and we should embrace them and manage them to our advantage. So can you express your emotions in Arabic? In this article we are going to learn about the different moods and emotions and how to describe them in Arabic along with some other emotion-related words.
Here are our examples:
English | Transliteration | Arabic |
To feel in Arabic | Yasha’ar | يشعر |
Feeling in Arabic | Masha’er | مشاعر |
Emotion in Arabic | Awatef | عواطف |
To fall in love in Arabic | Yaqa’ | يقع |
Passion in Arabic | Shaghaf | شغف |
Love in Arabic | Hubb | حبّ |
Hate in Arabic | Karahiyya | كراهية |
Desire in Arabic | Raghbeh | رغبة |
To cry in Arabic | Yabki | يبكي |
Tears in Arabic | Dumu’ | دموع |
To insult in Arabic | Yuheen | يهين |
Happy in Arabic | Sa’eed | سعيد |
Sad in Arabic | Hazeen | حزين |
To scream in Arabic | Yasrukh | يصرخ |
Tired in Arabic | Ta’ban | تعبان |
Depressed in Arabic | Mukta’eb | مكتئب |
Jealous in Arabic | Ghayoor | غيور |
Envious in Arabic | Hasood | حسود |
Surprised in Arabic | Mutfaje’ | منفاجئ |
To forgive in Arabic | Yusamih | يسامح |
Proud in Arabic | Fakhur | فخور |
Relaxed in Arabic | Aistirkha’ | استرخاء |
Worried in Arabic | Qaleq | قلق |
To laugh in Arabic | Yadhak | يضحك |
Annoyed in Arabic | Munzaeij | منزعج |
Frustrated in Arabic | Muhbat | محبط |
Angry in Arabic | Ghadib | غاضب |
Embarrassed in Arabic | Muhraj | محرج |
Sensitive in Arabic | Hassas | حساس |
Calm in Arabic | Hudu’ | هدوء |
Lonely in Arabic | Wahid | وحيد |
Friendly in Arabic | Wadud | ودود |
Afraid in Arabic | Khayif | خائف |
Confident in Arabic | Wathiq | واثق |
Stubborn in Arabic | Aneed | عنيد |
Greedy in Arabic | Jashe | جشع |
Generous in Arabic | Kariim | كريم |
Loving in Arabic | Mahabun | محب |
Kind in Arabic | Tayyib | طيّب |
Polite in Arabic | Mu’addab | مؤدب |
Lazy in Arabic | Kasul | كسول |
Brave in Arabic | Shuja’ | شجاع |
Curious in Arabic | Fudulee | فضولي |
Honest in Arabic | Sadaq | صادق |
Naive in Arabic | Sadhaj | ساذج |
Optimistic in Arabic | Mutafa’il | متفائل |
Pessimistic in Arabic | Mutasha’im | متشائم |
Funny in Arabic | Mudhik | مضحك |
Please note that in Arabic the preposition you usually use with emotions is من / min.
For example:
English | Transliteration | Arabic |
Embarrassed by… | muhraj min | محرج من |
Angry at… | ghadhib min | غاضب من |
Surprised at… | mutfaje’ min | منفاجئ من |
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