Letters Of The Arabic Alphabet: Learn The 28 Letters In Arabic

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All about the Arabic Language

The Arabic language has 422 million speakers worldwide making it one of the five most spoken languages in the world. There are also different types of Arabic with both dialects and accents present in the language as well as a standard traditional form named Fusha. As much as the dialects are interesting, Arabic language learners tend to learn Fusha Arabic as it is the written form of Arabic in Arabic speaking countries.

The Writing Part: Major Differences

Unlike English, Arabic writers go from right to left which is the less popular direction of writing. This isn’t the only difference between Arabic and English; Arabic words are in cursive form which means that the letters connect to each other. To write in Arabic, you must first learn the Arabic alphabet as well as their pronunciation. After that, you learn about the four forms that a letter we write in namely, isolated, initial, medial and final.

The /Harakat/ and How they Move Arabic Words

All of the mentioned refer to the position of the letter in a word which could influence the way we write it. Some letters do not connect except by the preceding letters. There are 28 letters in Arabic which are easy to learn as long as you practice writing words in Arabic constantly. There are also a set of diacritical marks called /Harakat/ which represent short vowels that help in pronouncing Arabic words correctly; this is because we write Arabic words by consonants or long vowels.

Long vowels are represented by three letters which are alif, waaw and yaa’. While the Arabic and English language share a great a lot of letters in their alphabet, the Arabic language contains letters are not present in English.

In fact, the Arabic language is the language of the dhad (ض), a letter not found in any other language making this language very unique. We pronounce this letter by making a sound that comes from the sides of the tongue touching the upper morals. Other examples of letters that are not present in English include (ع، غ، ط، ق، خ). However, you can master their pronunciation with some practice!

Further, we trill the letter r in Arabic which is a more common amongst the languages of the world. This is as opposed to the way we pronounce the letter r in English. Nevertheless, you can learn the Arabic alphabet by comparing it to the English letters as most of the alphabet is similar. After learning how to pronounce the Arabic letters, learn how to write them in their forms. This can be different for some letters as they do not change much based on their position in a word.

Final Thoughts on This

Don’t worry though because the letters that do change based on their position don’t change too much! They more or less still look the same. Once you learn how to write and pronounce the Arabic letters, you could then learn to write Arabic words. You can expand your vocabulary by constantly learning words every day and writing them down. All in all, the Arabic language is definitely an extraordinary language and learning it can be fun. The number 1 rule however is practice, practice, practice!

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