Three Smart Ways To Quickly Pick Up Arabic – You’ll Speak In No Time

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One question we hear quite often at Kaleela is, “I’m learning Arabic for beginners, but I want to learn it more quickly. What’s the smart way to do that?” Well, whether you’re trying to teach yourself Arabic or still in your classroom’s beginners Arabic book, you’re in luck today. Why’s that? Well, that’s because today we’re showing you three smart ways that you can learn Arabic more quickly. And since you’re in such a hurry, let’s get started now, shall we?

Go Surfing

No, we’re not talking about catching some gnarly waves out at Pismo Beach, bro. We’re talking about surfing the net and finding some gnarly Arabic resources. In fact, you’re reading one right now.  Read through some of our old blogs for tips on how you can improve your Arabic. Yes, there are also other Arabic websites out there, too, and we’re not telling you to not look at them. Just make sure you come back to Kaleela to learn Arabic the right way.

Additionally, you can join Arabic groups on Facebook where you can meet new smart people to help you practice thanks to chatting services on social media and free downloadable apps like Zoom and Skype. Find an Arabic language partner from your neighborhood. Likewise, you can also find someone from an Arabic speaking country thanks to the world wide web. They’ll probably even want to practice your native language with you.

Pick Up an Arabic Newspaper

These days, you don’t have to wait for Arnold the newspaper delivery boy to bring the evening news to your doorstep.  You can find Arabic newspapers on the web! Yes, beginners might find it a bit difficult at first. However, once you start picking up more vocabulary, you can start maintaining your fluency by reading Arabic newspapers every day. The best part? Most Arabic newspapers are free! Here some to get you started:


            Al Akhbar:


            Al Ahram:

            Al Rai:

Get Your Arabic Groove On

With world music apps and radio stations available online from all over the world, you can find Arabic music to listen to just about anywhere.  If you like a particular song, say “قلبي بحبك – نانسي عجرم” (“My Heart Loves You) by Nancy Ajram, look for the lyrics in Arabic and try to translate them into English. Listening to Arabic music truly is one of the best ways to get immersed into both Arabic language and Arab culture. Besides Nancy Ajram, you can look for other popular Arab singers such as Fadel Shaker, Haifa Wehbe, Tamer Hosny, Elisa, Kazem el-Saher, an, Fairouz.

Try these tips and you’re well on your way to learning Arabic faster.

Would you like to learn Arabic language skills? Are you looking for tips on how you can learn Arabic a little faster? Then head over to our website and start learning Arabic today by downloading the Kaleela Arabic learning app – the best Arabic learning program available today! Along with Modern Standard Arabic, you can also learn other Arabic dialects like Egyptian, Levantine, and Syrian Arabic! And Kaleela is so convenient; you can learn Arabic anytime, anywhere and a pace that’s comfortable to you!

Kaleela – Learn Arabic the Right Way.

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